Workshop Resources

Hey Thinkers!

Welcome to the launchpad for your success. Whether you're a pen-to-paper planner or a digital dynamo, we've got your back. Dive into our carefully crafted resources, from our comprehensive real estate business planner to interactive tools, all designed to supercharge your real estate game. Let's set the stage, envision big, and make 2025 our most unforgettable year yet. Ready to dominate?

Let's get Get Started!


October 15th Meeting Schedule


8:30 AM - Welcome and Guided Meditation

9:00 - 10:30 AM - Business Readiness

10:30 - 10:40 AM - Coffee Break + Cellphone Check

10:45 AM - 12:30 PM - Work Session 2

12:00 - 12:30 PM - Lunch and Learn

1:30 PM - Afternoon Game Activity - Real Estate Taboo

2:00 PM - Coffee Break + Cellphone Check

2:30 - 3:30 PM - Work Session 3

3:30 PM - Wrap Up and Plan for Next Steps


Interactive Business Planning Spreadsheet

Business Planning Spreadsheet

Grab a copy of our new and improved business planning spreadsheet! Map out your income goals, expenses, and transaction sources all in one place! This interactive spreadsheet does the math for you to quickly adjust and view your projected income and expenses.

Source Plan Worksheet

Map out exactly what you will do for each of your sources you plan for 2025.

Helpful Platforms & Apps

Here are links to some helpful apps.

Genius Scan

This useful scanner app allows you to scan documents and send them directly to your Google Drive folder, or via email, quickly and easily. It can also stitch together your text message screenshots into a single PDF.

Messages & SMS Eport to PDF

iPhone and iPad app Messages & SMS Export to PDF. Simple to use and pretty straightforward.

SMS Backup, Print, & Restore

Android App to stitch together text message screenshots.